- The SCIPS is a host of training program ‘Shadow cabinet leadership academy (SCALA)’ for political aspirants. The SCIPS has developed a unique pedagogical model for training prospective politicians through debates, speeches, and discussions backed up by policies at national as well as global levels, institutional motivations, rhetorical skills and great causes.
- Research publication: What made them so successful in building democratic institutions and how the Nordic countries have successively built up both competitive market economy and sustainable welfare state are some issues to be studied.
- International conferences: The SCIPS hosts international conferences linking individuals who have broad interests in sharing information and knowledge on the way of thinking, culture, political, economic and social achievements of the Nordic states. International conferences are mostly held in Stockholm as well as at the Almedalen Week, Political Fair, at the end of June and beginning of July.
Visiting address:
Bruksvägen 11,
147 43 Tumba, Sweden
Phone:+46-72-001 5377