
SCIPS Research Seminars

The SCIPS is a policy-centered research institute accredited by the Swedish Research Council. We are actively engaged in research activities of policy-oriented studies and publication. For that purpose to be maximally fullfilled, we have launched a series of seminars for researchers, policy-makers and those who are interested in Scandinavian as well as Korean politics and policies in general. Please refer to the schedules for the autumn and winter seasons below.

- All the seminars planned will be held in our auditorium located at Bruksvägen 11 (Building Brukskontor), Tumba. For further information, contact, 072-001 5377. Click here for a map!


o September 25, Friday, 13.00-15.00
SCIPS on-line seminar, Min-Hee Choi, Visiting researcher, "Comparative Study of Auditing Process in Sweden and Korea"

o May 2, Friday
SCIPS on-line seminar, 12.30-15.30 Jin-Seong Kang, Visiting researcher, "North-South Relations in the Middle of Military Tensions"

o February 21, Friday, 13.00-15.30
Wankyo Hyun, Visiting researcher, "The Korean and Swedish Audit System Compared"


o November 22, Friday, 12.30-15.30
SCIPS Seminar, Dong Yule Kim, SCIPS visiting researcher, "“The Swedsh Ombudman System"

o September 9, Friday, 12.30-15.30
SCIPS Seminar, Ho-Yeon Song, SCIPS visiting researcher, "Two-tax system Compared: Sweden and Korea"

o May 31, Friday
SCIPS Seminar 09.30-11.30 Yonhyok Choe, Special lecture, "Family policy in the era of low fertility rate in Sweden"; 12.30-15.30 Janghun Jeong, SCIPS visiting researcher, "The Sweish Dementia Policy"; Gunnar Hansson, Linnaeus University, "Ernst Wigforss and Swedish Social Democracy; Sophia Seung-yoon Lee, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea, "The Sub-contracting Pyramid and Precarious Workers in South Korean Labour Market"

o February 8, Friday
SCIPS Seminar 13.00-15.30 Yonhyok Choe, "The politics of Swedish democracy"

o January 18, Friday
SCIPS Seminar 13.00-14.30 Kyung Chan Kim, Ph.D., Research fellow, Korean Institute of Criminology, "Legal process of criminal laws in Korea and Sweden"


o November 29, Thursday, 13.00-15.30
Yonhyok Choe "Judicial justice in Sweden: History and its change"; Jung Hyun Yoo, Visiting fellow, "A comparative study on compensation for wrongful imprinsonment between Sweden and Korea" & Ji Yung Lee, Visiting fellow, "Introduction to the civil participatory trial system"
15.30-17.00 (Seminar with invited speaker to be announced)

o September 27, Thursday
13.00-14.00 Yonhyok Choe, "General Election in Sweden: Post-election debate and prospects for the Swedish politics and economy"
14.15-15.30 Sang Woon Kim, SCIPS Research Fellow, "Fourth Industrial Revolution and Education Policy: Trends in Korea and Sweden"

o May 24, Thursday
11.00-15.15 Yonhyok Choe, "Who are the Political Elites in Sweden: 1920-2018"; Han Il Lim, Visiting Fellow, "Labor policy in Sweden"; Seung-Hee Yun, Senior Researcher, "Swedish welfare system in change";
15.30-17.00 (Invited speaker, June Park, Ph.D., Korea Institute of Public Administration, "Measuring social conflict: A comparative perspective")

o March 22, Thursday
13.00-15.15 Yonhyok Choe, "What is a Market Economy: The Swedish Perspective"; Ji Eun Lee, Visiting fellow, "Enhancing Capability of Internal Audit Institution;
15.30-17.00 (Mun-Gwan Hong, Science for Life Laboratory, Royal Institute of Technology, "Affinity proteomics and aging research")


o November 30, Thursday
15-17 (Yonhyok Choe, "Income and Labor Market Policies"; Young Joo Kwon, "The Korean Criminal Procedure - a Brief Introduction";
17-18.30 (Gunilla Falk, Falkfilm, "Swedish Culture in Documentary Films")

o September 29, Thursday
15-17 (Yonhyok Choe, "Diagnosis of the Contemporary Swedish Society"; Go-Eun Lee, "Micro Loan and Economic Independence of the Marginalized Families in Bangladesh ";
17.00-18.30 (Invited speaker, Dr. Kee-Sook Hahn, "The Swedish Health Care System: Perspectives seen from a home doctor")

o May 18, Thursday
17.00-18.30 (Invited speaker, Ms. Younghee Yun, Social care officer, Upplands Bro Kommun, "Service Work at the Municipal Level in Sweden: Tales from experiences")

o May 18, Thursday
15.00-17.00 (Yonhyok Choe, "Politics of Economic Policies", Jaemyong Lee, "Housing Price and Household Debt Interaction in Sweden")

o April 6, Thursday
17.00-18.30 (Invited speaker, Dr. Sangsoo Lee, Senior researcher, Institute for Security & Development Policy, "North Korean Nuclear Threats and Crisis Management on the Korean Peninsular")

o April 6, Thursday
15.00-17.00 (Yonhyok Choe, "The Swedish System of Rule of Law", Kiryun Shin, "Swedish Criminal Procedure")

o March 3, Friday
15.00-17.00 (Yonhyok Choe "Key Institutions of the Swedish Politics: Vitalities and stability", Jangseob Kwon "Swedish Urban Planning and Some examples")


o December 9, Friday
15.00-17.00 (Jaemyong Lee, "Beggar Issue of the Poor EU citizens in Sweden"; Mina Kim, "Civil Perception of the Human Right Issue in Korea")

o November 25, Friday
15.00-17.00 (Invited speaker, Mr. Nam Gwan-pyo, Ambassdor of the Republic of Korea)

o November 11, Friday
15.00-17.00 (Kiryun Shin, "Criminal Policy in Korea"; Jieun Lee, "Auditing System in Korea and Sweden")

o October 7, Friday
15.00-17.00 (Seunghee Yun, "Family Policy in Sweden: Gender and social strata; Jangseob Kwon, "Swedish Urban Planning and Some Examples")

o September 23, 2016, Friday
15.00-17.00 (Emil Plisch, Department Secretary, Head of Integration Policy, Ministry of Employment)

o September 9, Friday
15.00-17.00 (Yonhyok Choe, "Current Issues in the Swedish Politics"; Heejeong Hong, "Gender Responsive Budgeting in a Comparative Perspective")

SCIPS Special Lecture on Policy Issues


o June 28, Wednesday
10.00-12.00 “The Swedish Local Tax System”

Where: SCIPS Auditorium, Bruksvägen 11, Tumba

o June 21, Wednesday
12.00-14.00 “The Swedish Legal System

Where: SCIPS Auditorium, Bruksvägen 11, Tumba

o May 1, Monday
10.00-12.00 “The Swedish Education System”

Where: SCIPS Auditorium, Bruksvägen 11, Tumba


o November 18, Friday
10.00-12.00 “The Swedish Labor and Welfare Policy”

Where: SCIPS Auditorium, Bruksvägen 11, Tumba

o October 7, Friday
10.00-12.00 “The Swedish Future Policy: New Approaches to Low Fertility Rate and Aging Society”

Where: SCIPS Auditorium, Bruksvägen 11, Tumba

Publication Seminar in Seoul

o 2016, June 20
19.30-21.30, Title of book: ”What Makes a Good State?”

Author: Yonhyok Choe, Director, SCIPS

Moderator: Suwhan Goo, KBS PD

Where: Sungshil University, Han Kyung Jik Memoial Hall

Stockholm Social Forum

o 2017 October 20

Program: The New Horizons of the Two Welfare States Invitation Program

Where: Sankt Paulsgatan 21 (Van Der Nootska Palatset), 118 46 Stockholm

o 2016 July 4-9

Program: Is the Swedish Model still alive?

Where: Stockholm and Gotland

Meeting place in Almedalen: Strandvägen 527 (July 6, Wednesday 10.00-17.00)

o 2015 June 24 - July 4


In conjunction with Political Fair Almedalen Week and Political Lyceum Youth Leadership Program of Korea.

Where: Stockholm, Almedalen, Västervik, Bommersvik

o 2014 June 25 - July 4


Co-organized with Powerhouse of Future Korea of the Political Lyceum Yourh Leadership Program of Korea.

Where: Stockholm, Almedalen, Västervik, Bommersvik

o 2013 June 22 - 29

Program: “Labor-Capital Relations at the Labor Market, Welfare and Politics of Consensus”

Where: Stockholm, Västervik, Malmö, Copenhagen

Shadow Cabinet Training Program in Stockholm

o2015 August 31 - November 30

Program: Please contact

Where: Stockholm

o2014 - 2015 August 25 - February 13 (2015)


Where: Stockholm and several European cities

Stockholm Conference

in cooperation with Korean Society for Humanities and Social Science, Stockholm


o November 29 17.30-20.30

Where: Master Samuelsgatan 60, 9th floor

o May 17 18.00-20.30

Where: Master Samuelsgatan 60, 9th floor